Leadership is often depicted as a delicate dance between various traits and skills. Confidence and humility stand out as crucial yet seemingly opposing qualities. Striking the right balance between them can elevate a leader from good to great. But how can one...
In times of crisis, effective leadership is essential to navigate uncertainty, inspire confidence, and guide organizations through turbulent waters. Crisis leadership requires a unique set of skills and qualities to maintain calmness, instill confidence, and make...
It is well-known that children with autism benefit from having environments that meet their sensory needs. However, creating friendly sensory environments can be beneficial for a variety of people across many locations. Workplaces, school settings and home...
While they’re in school, people on the autism spectrum usually receive at least some of the services that they need. However, there’s this sort of “cliff” of services after high school graduation. Once people on the spectrum graduate from high school, the number of...
People with disabilities and their advocates have spent years pushing for a requirement that medical schools begin to specifically train students on treating people with developmental and intellectual disabilities. It may come as a surprise, however, there is...