Leadership is one of the most challenging and complex jobs in the world. It requires years of training, patience, and the ability to manage a team, which takes more than merely reading a how-to book on management. However, if you want to succeed as a leader,...
Working on a team can be challenging due to differences in how each employee chooses to approach their work. So if working with others is considered to be hard, then leading a team is that much harder. Everybody has different strengths and weaknesses, and it’s...
Various skills contribute to what makes a good leader, but there’s one that’s more important than any other. It takes great people to turn an idea into reality, but it takes great leaders to steer the boat all the way. This blog explores the concept of...
Employment opportunities in STEM fields grow rapidly, but the number of individuals gaining a degree in the fields is still low. It is even lower among students with disabilities. The low numbers create a need to develop more STEM career paths for people with...
The global business climate is arguably more dynamic and volatile today than it has been at any other time in history. Think of the famous quote by the American scholar and organizational consultant Warren G. Bennis: “In life, change is inevitable. In business, change...